EasySep™ Magnet

Magnet for column-free immunomagnetic separation

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EasySep™ Magnet

Magnet for column-free immunomagnetic separation

From: 1,218 USD
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Magnet for column-free immunomagnetic separation
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What Our Scientist Says

Column-based cell isolation technologies can be complicated, laborious, and time-consuming. We thought there had to be a better way. That's why we developed the column-free EasySep™ cell isolation system.

Jennifer KennettTechnical Scientist
Jennifer Kennett, Technical Scientist


Easily and efficiently perfom magnetic cell separation procedures by using the EasySep™ Magnet with EasySep™ cell isolation reagents. The EasySep™ Magnet generates a high-gradient magnetic field in the interior cavity that is strong enough to separate cells labeled with EasySep™ magnetic particles without the use of columns. This magnet is designed to hold a standard 12 x 75 mm (5 mL) polystyrene tube.

Not sure which magnet to use? Visit our EasySep™ Cell Separation Magnets page to compare the different options and select the appropriate magnet for your research.

Learn more about how immunomagnetic EasySep™ technology works.
Human, Mouse, Non-Human Primate, Other, Rat
Cell Isolation

Protocols and Documentation

Find supporting information and directions for use in the Product Information Sheet or explore additional protocols below.

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EasySep™ Magnet
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This product is designed for use in the following research area(s) as part of the highlighted workflow stage(s). Explore these workflows to learn more about the other products we offer to support each research area.

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Workflow Stages

Resources and Publications

Educational Materials (20)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can EasySep™ be used for either positive or negative selection?

Yes. The EasySep™ kits use either a negative selection approach by targeting and removing unwanted cells or a positive selection approach targeting desired cells. Depletion kits are also available for the removal of cells with a specific undesired marker (e.g. GlyA).

How does the separation work?

Magnetic particles are crosslinked to cells using Tetrameric Antibody Complexes (TAC). When placed in the EasySep™ Magnet, labeled cells migrate to the wall of the tube. The unlabeled cells are then poured off into a separate fraction.

Which columns do I use?

The EasySep™ procedure is column-free. That's right - no columns!

How can I analyze the purity of my enriched sample?

The Product Information Sheet provided with each EasySep™ kit contains detailed staining information.

Can EasySep™ separations be automated?

Yes. RoboSep™, the fully automated cell separator, automates all EasySep™ labeling and cell separation steps.

Can EasySep™ be used to isolate rare cells?

Yes. We recommend a cell concentration of 2x108 cells/mL and a minimum working volume of 100 µL. Samples containing 2x107 cells or fewer should be suspended in 100 µL of buffer.

Are the EasySep™ magnetic particles FACS-compatible?

Yes, the EasySep™ particles are flow cytometry-compatible, as they are very uniform in size and about 5000X smaller than other commercially available magnetic beads used with column-free systems.

Can the EasySep™ magnetic particles be removed after enrichment?

No, but due to the small size of these particles, they will not interfere with downstream applications.

Can I alter the separation time in the magnet?

Yes; however, this may impact the kit's performance. The provided EasySep™ protocols have already been optimized to balance purity, recovery and time spent on the isolation.

For positive selection, can I perform more than 3 separations to increase purity?

Yes, the purity of targeted cells will increase with additional rounds of separations; however, cell recovery will decrease.

How does the binding of the EasySep™ magnetic particle affect the cells? is the function of positively selected cells altered by the bound particles?

Hundreds of publications have used cells selected with EasySep™ positive selection kits for functional studies. Our in-house experiments also confirm that selected cells are not functionally altered by the EasySep™ magnetic particles.

If particle binding is a key concern, we offer two options for negative selection. The EasySep™ negative selection kits can isolate untouched cells with comparable purities, while RosetteSep™ can isolate untouched cells directly from whole blood without using particles or magnets.

Publications (39)

FLAIRR-Seq: A Method for Single-Molecule Resolution of Near Full-Length Antibody H Chain Repertoires. E. E. Ford et al. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 2023 may


Current Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) using short-read sequencing strategies resolve expressed Ab transcripts with limited resolution of the C region. In this article, we present the near-full-length AIRR-seq (FLAIRR-seq) method that uses targeted amplification by 5' RACE, combined with single-molecule, real-time sequencing to generate highly accurate (99.99%) human Ab H chain transcripts. FLAIRR-seq was benchmarked by comparing H chain V (IGHV), D (IGHD), and J (IGHJ) gene usage, complementarity-determining region 3 length, and somatic hypermutation to matched datasets generated with standard 5' RACE AIRR-seq using short-read sequencing and full-length isoform sequencing. Together, these data demonstrate robust FLAIRR-seq performance using RNA samples derived from PBMCs, purified B cells, and whole blood, which recapitulated results generated by commonly used methods, while additionally resolving H chain gene features not documented in IMGT at the time of submission. FLAIRR-seq data provide, for the first time, to our knowledge, simultaneous single-molecule characterization of IGHV, IGHD, IGHJ, and IGHC region genes and alleles, allele-resolved subisotype definition, and high-resolution identification of class switch recombination within a clonal lineage. In conjunction with genomic sequencing and genotyping of IGHC genes, FLAIRR-seq of the IgM and IgG repertoires from 10 individuals resulted in the identification of 32 unique IGHC alleles, 28 (87%) of which were previously uncharacterized. Together, these data demonstrate the capabilities of FLAIRR-seq to characterize IGHV, IGHD, IGHJ, and IGHC gene diversity for the most comprehensive view of bulk-expressed Ab repertoires to date.
Soluble RAGE Prevents Type 1 Diabetes Expanding Functional Regulatory T Cells. S. S. Leung et al. Diabetes 2022 sep


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease with no cure, where clinical translation of promising therapeutics has been hampered by the reproducibility crisis. Here, short-term administration of an antagonist to the receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) protected against murine diabetes at two independent research centers. Treatment with sRAGE increased regulatory T cells (Tregs) within the islets, pancreatic lymph nodes, and spleen, increasing islet insulin expression and function. Diabetes protection was abrogated by Treg depletion and shown to be dependent on antagonizing RAGE with use of knockout mice. Human Tregs treated with a RAGE ligand downregulated genes for suppression, migration, and Treg homeostasis (FOXP3, IL7R, TIGIT, JAK1, STAT3, STAT5b, CCR4). Loss of suppressive function was reversed by sRAGE, where Tregs increased proliferation and suppressed conventional T-cell division, confirming that sRAGE expands functional human Tregs. These results highlight sRAGE as an attractive treatment to prevent diabetes, showing efficacy and reproducibility at multiple research centers and in human T cells.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell phenotype and function are maintained after overnight shipping of whole blood. R. K. Johnson et al. Scientific reports 2022 nov


Same day processing of biospecimens such as blood is not always feasible, which presents a challenge for research programs seeking to study a broad population or to characterize patients with rare diseases. Recruiting sites may not be equipped to process blood samples and variability in timing and technique employed to isolate peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at local sites may compromise reproducibility across patients. One solution is to send whole blood collected by routine phlebotomy via overnight courier to the testing site under ambient conditions. Determining the impact of shipping on subsequent leukocyte responses is a necessary prerequisite to any experimental analysis derived from transported samples. To this end, whole blood was collected from healthy control subjects and processed fresh or at 6, 24 and 48 h after collection and handling under modeled shipping conditions. At endpoint, whole blood was assessed via a complete blood count with differential and immunophenotyped using a standardized panel of antibodies [HLADR, CD66b, CD3, CD14, CD16]. PBMCs and neutrophils were isolated from whole blood and subjected to ex vivo stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus. Stimulated release of cytokines and chemokines was assessed by cytometric bead array. RNA was also isolated from PBMCs to analyze transcriptional changes induced by shipping. The complete blood count with differential revealed that most parameters were maintained in shipped blood held for 24 h at ambient temperature. Immunophenotyping indicated preservation of cellular profiles at 24 h, although with broadening of some populations and a decrease in CD16 intensity on classical monocytes. At the transcriptional level, RNAseq analysis identified upregulation of a transcription factor module associated with inflammation in unstimulated PBMCs derived from whole blood shipped overnight. However, these changes were limited in both scale and number of impacted genes. Ex vivo stimulation of PBMCs further revealed preservation of functional responses in cells isolated from shipped blood held for 24 h at ambient temperature. However, neutrophil responses were largely abrogated by this time. By 48 h neither cell population responded within normal parameters. These findings indicate that robust immunophenotyping and PBMC stimulated response profiles are maintained in whole blood shipped overnight and processed within 24 h of collection, yielding results that are representative of those obtained from the sample immediately following venipuncture. This methodology is feasible for many patient recruitment sites to implement and allows for sophisticated immunological analysis of patient populations derived from large geographic areas. With regard to rare disease research, this meets a universal need to enroll patients in sufficient numbers for immunoprofiling and discovery of underlying pathogenic mechanisms.
New look, same high quality and support! You may notice that your instrument or reagent packaging looks slightly different from images displayed on the website, or from previous orders. We are updating our look but rest assured, the products themselves and how you should use them have not changed. Learn more