Register: On-Demand Mouse HSPCs CFU Assay Course

Sign up for an on-demand course to learn best practices for performing the CFU assay for mouse-derived HSPCs

This virtual course will guide you through the following topics:

  • Identifying critical characteristics of hematopoietic stem versus progenitor cells and the basic biology of mouse hematopoiesis
  • Measuring mouse hematopoiesis via phenotypic and functional assays
  • Designing a colony-forming unit (CFU) assay for mouse-derived HSPCs and its technical considerations
  • Classifying and enumerating mouse colonies manually
  • Using STEMvision™ for scoring and automating mouse colony counting
This on-demand course is divided into six sessions and a final assessment. Following completion of the course, trainees can choose to receive a certificate of completion. Note that this is not an accredited course and cannot be used to receive Continuing Education (CE) credits.