Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research

Human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are increasingly being differentiated into specialized cell types for a wide range of applications, such as disease modeling, drug discovery, toxicity screening and cell therapy. See More While techniques have been developed to differentiate hPSCs into many adult cell types, many protocols are still inefficient and inconsistent. To reduce variability when differentiating hPSCs, use our specialized kits, reagents and user-friendly protocols to generate cells of the ectodermal , mesodermal and endodermal lineages. For flexible, user-directed differentiation, use cytokine-free specialized cell culture media such as , , TeSR™-E5 , or TeSR™-E6 to direct differentiation to your lineage of choice.

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Cell Culture Media and Supplements 4 (78)

Small Molecules 4 (28)


    Retinoid pathway activator; Activates retinoic acid receptor (RAR)

    AMPK activator
  • Stauprimide

    Inhibitor of NME2 localization; Suppresses c-MYC expression
  • LY364947

    Activin/BMP/TGF-β pathway inhibitor; Inhibits ALK5

Cytokines and Proteins 4 (24)

Matrices and Substrates 4 (6)

Tissue and Cell Culture Dissociation Reagents 4 (4)

Cell Storage Media 4 (8)

Antibodies 4 (10)

Cultureware and General Supplies 4 (4)

Cell Isolation Products 4 (1)

Buffers and Solutions 4 (5)

Primary and Cultured Cells 4 (5)

Cell Dyes and Detection Assay Kits 4 (6)

Training and Education 4 (1)

  • Pluripotent Stem Cell Training

    Training to support the culture of hPSCs and their differentiation towards cerebral organoids, intestinal organoids, cardiomyocytes, or hematopoietic progenitors

Cell Engineering and Molecular Tools 4 (3)