Genome Editing

The use of genome editing tools to generate specific changes to the DNA sequence of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), by either introducing or correcting mutations, provides more accurate modeling of human disease when the gene-edited hPSCs are subsequently differentiated into human-derived tissues.


Cell Culture Media and Supplements 4 (7)

Cell Engineering and Molecular Tools 4 (11)

Instruments and Software 4 (1)

Primary and Cultured Cells 4 (46)

Training and Education 4 (1)

Cultureware and General Supplies 4 (2)

Small Molecules 4 (7)

  • KU0060648

    NHEJ pathway inhibitor; Inhibits DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)
  • Nocodazole

    Microtubule polymerization inhibitor; Inhibits beta-tubulin
  • NU7441

    NHEJ pathway inhibitor; Inhibits DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK)
  • RS-1

    HDR pathway enhancer; Enhances RAD51