NaïveCult™ Induction Kit
Defined medium kit for transgene-free induction of reset naïve human ES and iPS cells
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- 0.1% Gelatin in Water
Coating for cultureware
- Sodium Butyrate
Epigenetic modifier; Inhibits histone deacetylase
- Valproic Acid (Sodium Salt)
Epigenetic modifier; Inhibits histone deacetylase (HDAC)1
- Y-27632 (Dihydrochloride)
RHO/ROCK pathway inhibitor; Inhibits ROCK1 and ROCK2
Labeling Antibodies
Compatible antibodies for purity assessment of isolated cells
Reset naïve human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) generated using this kit demonstrate uniformly domed, phase-bright colonies with refractive edges and maintain gene expression profiles associated with reset naïve hPSCs (Guo et al. Stem Cell Reports, 2016; Guo et al. Development, 2017; Takashima et al. Cell, 2014).
Based on the formulation by Guo et al. (2017) and developed under license from the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute at the University of Cambridge, UK, this kit works robustly across multiple primed human ES and iPS cells maintained in mTeSR™1 (Catalog #85850) or TeSR™-E8™ (Catalog #05990). Note that NaïveCult™ Induction Kit requires a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi; either Sodium Butyrate (Catalog #72242) or Valproic Acid (Catalog #72292)) that is sold separately.
Data Figures
Figure 1. Schematic of Reversion of Primed to Naïve hPSCs
Primed hPSCs, grown either in mTeSR™1 or TeSR™-E8™ on Corning® Matrigel®, are plated as single cells on inactivated murine embryonic fibroblasts (iMEFs) and treated with Rho-kinase inhibition (10 μM Y-27632) for 24 hours in hypoxic conditions. On day 1, medium is changed to Induction Medium 1 supplemented with a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) and cells are cultured for 3 days with daily medium changes. On day 4, medium is changed to Induction Medium 2 and cells are cultured until day 11 with daily medium changes. On day 11, hPSCs are passaged as single cells onto fresh iMEFs and subsequently passaged every 3 - 4 days until the end of passage 2 in Induction Medium 2. From passage 3, hPSCs are cultured in Induction Medium 3. Background differentiation will decrease between passage 3 and 8. At this time cells can be transferred into NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium for long-term maintenance and expansion.
Figure 2. Human ES and iPS Cells Can Be Reverted to a Naïve State
Representative images of human (A) passage-7 H9 ES cells and (B) passage-9 WLS-1C iPS cells that were reverted to a naïve state using the NaïveCult™ Induction Kit and subsequently cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium. During reversion, colonies change from a flat morphology to a tightly packed, domed morphology with refractive edges characteristic of naïve-state hPSCs.
Figure 3. hPSCs Cultured in the NaïveCult™ Media System Express High Levels of Factors Associated with Naïve hPSCs
Gene expression profile of human (A) H9 ES cells and (B) WLS-1C iPS cells reverted using the NaïveCult™ Induction Kit and maintained in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium.
Figure 4. Reset Naïve Human PSCs Cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium are Capable of Tri-Lineage Differentiation Following Re-Priming
Reset naïve human iPS cells cultured in NaïveCult™ Expansion Medium were re-primed in mTeSR™1 and differentiated to all three somatic lineages. (A) Representative flow cytometry plot of human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using the STEMdiff™ Definitive Endoderm Kit (Catalog #05110) demonstrating >90% CXCR4+/SOX17+ definitive endodermal progenitors. (B) Representative flow cytometry plot of human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using STEMdiff™ Mesodermal Induction Medium (Catalog #05220) demonstrating >80% Brachyury+/OCT4- mesodermal progenitors. (C) Representative immunofluorescence image of PAX6 (green) and SOX1 (red) double positive neural progenitors derived from human WLS-1C iPS cells differentiated using the STEMdiff™ SMADi Neural Induction Kit (Catalog #08581).
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NaïveCult™ Induction Kit
Developed under license from Cambridge Enterprise Limited