EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II

Immunomagnetic negative isolation of untouched human naïve CD4+ T cells

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EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II

Immunomagnetic negative isolation of untouched human naïve CD4+ T cells

From: 953 USD
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Immunomagnetic negative isolation of untouched human naïve CD4+ T cells
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Product Advantages

  • Fast, easy-to-use and column-free

  • Up to 98% purity

  • Untouched, viable cells

What's Included

  • EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II (Catalog #17555)
    • EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Cocktail II, 1 mL
    • EasySep™ Dextran RapidSpheres™, 1 mL
  • RoboSep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II (Catalog #17555RF)
    • EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Cocktail II, 1 mL
    • EasySep™ Dextran RapidSpheres™, 1 mL
    • RoboSep™ Buffer (Catalog #20104)
    • RoboSep™ Filter Tips (Catalog #20125)


Easily and efficiently isolate highly purified human naïve CD4+ T cells (CD3+CD4+CD45RA+CD45RO-) from fresh or previously frozen human peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMCs) samples by immunomagnetic negative selection, with the EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II. Widely used in published research for more than 20 years, EasySep™ combines the specificity of monoclonal antibodies with the simplicity of a column-free magnetic system.

In this EasySep™ negative selection procedure, unwanted cells are labeled with antibody complexes and magnetic particles. The following unwanted cells are targeted for removal: CD2, CD14, CD16, CD19, CD20, CD25, CD36, CD45RO, CD56, CD61, CD66b, CD123, GlyA, TCRgd, and HLA-DR. The magnetically labeled cells are then separated from the untouched desired naïve CD4+ T cells by using an EasySep™ magnet and simply pouring or pipetting the desired cells into a new tube. Following magnetic cell isolation in as little as 11 minutes, the desired naïve CD4+ T cells are ready for downstream applications such as flow cytometry, culture, or DNA/RNA extraction.

This kit replaces the EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Enrichment Kit (Catalog #19155) and EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit (Catalog #19555) for even faster cell isolations.

Learn more about how immunomagnetic EasySep™ technology works or how to fully automate immunomagnetic cell isolation with RoboSep™. Alternatively, choose ready-to-use, ethically sourced, primary Human Peripheral Blood CD4+CD45RA+ T Cells, Frozen isolated with EasySep™ Human Naïve CD4+ T Cell Isolation Kit II. Explore additional products optimized for your workflow, including culture media, supplements, antibodies, and more.
Magnet Compatibility
• EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18000)
• “The Big Easy” EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18001)
• Easy 50 EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18002)
• EasyEights™ EasySep™ Magnet (Catalog #18103)
• RoboSep™-S (Catalog #21000)
Cell Isolation Kits
Cell Type
T Cells, T Cells, CD4+
Sample Source
Selection Method
Cell Isolation
EasySep, RoboSep
Area of Interest

Data Figures

Figure 1. Typical EasySep™ Human Naive CD4 T Cell Isolation Profile

Starting with fresh mononuclear cells, the naïve CD4+ T cell content (CD3+CD4+CD45RA+CD45RO-) of the isolated fraction is typically 96.6 ± 1.5% (mean ± SD using the purple EasySep™ Magnet). In the above example, the purities of the start and final isolated fractions are 13.0% and 97.3%, respectively.

Protocols and Documentation

Find supporting information and directions for use in the Product Information Sheet or explore additional protocols below.

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This product is designed for use in the following research area(s) as part of the highlighted workflow stage(s). Explore these workflows to learn more about the other products we offer to support each research area.

Resources and Publications

Publications (7)

Soluble RAGE Prevents Type 1 Diabetes Expanding Functional Regulatory T Cells. S. S. Leung et al. Diabetes 2022 sep


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease with no cure, where clinical translation of promising therapeutics has been hampered by the reproducibility crisis. Here, short-term administration of an antagonist to the receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) protected against murine diabetes at two independent research centers. Treatment with sRAGE increased regulatory T cells (Tregs) within the islets, pancreatic lymph nodes, and spleen, increasing islet insulin expression and function. Diabetes protection was abrogated by Treg depletion and shown to be dependent on antagonizing RAGE with use of knockout mice. Human Tregs treated with a RAGE ligand downregulated genes for suppression, migration, and Treg homeostasis (FOXP3, IL7R, TIGIT, JAK1, STAT3, STAT5b, CCR4). Loss of suppressive function was reversed by sRAGE, where Tregs increased proliferation and suppressed conventional T-cell division, confirming that sRAGE expands functional human Tregs. These results highlight sRAGE as an attractive treatment to prevent diabetes, showing efficacy and reproducibility at multiple research centers and in human T cells.
Blocking CCL8-CCR8-Mediated Early Allograft Inflammation Improves Kidney Transplant Function. A. Dangi et al. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2022 oct


BACKGROUND In kidney transplantation, early allograft inflammation impairs long-term allograft function. However, precise mediators of early kidney allograft inflammation are unclear, making it challenging to design therapeutic interventions. METHODS We used an allogeneic murine kidney transplant model in which CD45.2 BALB/c kidneys were transplanted to CD45.1 C57BL/6 recipients. RESULTS Donor kidney resident macrophages within the allograft expanded rapidly in the first 3 days. During this period, they were also induced to express a high level of Ccl8, which, in turn, promoted recipient monocyte graft infiltration, their differentiation to resident macrophages, and subsequent expression of Ccl8. Enhanced graft infiltration of recipient CCR8+ T cells followed, including CD4, CD8, and ?? T cells. Consequently, blocking CCL8-CCR8 or depleting donor kidney resident macrophages significantly inhibits early allograft immune cell infiltration and promotes superior short-term allograft function. CONCLUSIONS Targeting the CCL8-CCR8 axis is a promising measure to reduce early kidney allograft inflammation.
Age-associated impairment of T cell immunity is linked to sex-dimorphic elevation of N-glycan branching. H. Mkhikian et al. Nature aging 2022 mar


Impaired T cell immunity with aging increases mortality from infectious disease. The branching of Asparagine-linked glycans is a critical negative regulator of T cell immunity. Here we show that branching increases with age in females more than males, in na{\{i}}ve more than memory T cells and in CD4+ more than CD8+ T cells. Female sex hormones and thymic output of na{\"{i}}ve T cells (TN) decrease with age however neither thymectomy nor ovariectomy altered branching. Interleukin-7 (IL-7) signaling was increased in old female more than male mouse TN cells and triggered increased branching. N-acetylglucosamine a rate-limiting metabolite for branching increased with age in humans and synergized with IL-7 to raise branching. Reversing elevated branching rejuvenated T cell function and reduced severity of Salmonella infection in old female mice. These data suggest sex-dimorphic antagonistic pleiotropy where IL-7 initially benefits immunity through TN maintenance but inhibits TN function by raising branching synergistically with age-dependent increases in N-acetylglucosamine."
New look, same high quality and support! You may notice that your instrument or reagent packaging looks slightly different from images displayed on the website, or from previous orders. We are updating our look but rest assured, the products themselves and how you should use them have not changed. Learn more