
Automated closed-system immunomagnetic cell isolation instrument

Looking for manual cell isolation solutions? Explore the Easy 250 EasySep™ Magnet for manual, large-scale immunomagnetic cell separation from large-volume samples, such as leukopaks and whole blood, with the same high quality and results! Process samples of up to 225 mL in as little as 20 minutes in a single cell isolation procedure. Learn more


Automated closed-system immunomagnetic cell isolation instrument

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Automated closed-system immunomagnetic cell isolation instrument
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Scale up your cell isolations from leukopaks with RoboSep™-C, a high-throughput standalone instrument that seamlessly integrates into your evolving workflow.

Incorporating this dedicated cell separation instrument into your workflows can free-up your equipment and resources, enabling you to streamline and scale up your sample processing operations while maintaining flexibility and compatibility for downstream assays. RoboSep™-C reduces hands-on time and operator error by automating cell isolations from large-volume apheresis products and uses the same column-free immunomagnetic technology as EasySep™. The closed system performs all necessary cell processing steps—including sample washing, buffer exchange, and concentration—so you can efficiently isolate highly purified and functional cells in a sterile environment.

Why Use RoboSep™-C?
• EFFICIENT. Automate all cell processing, cell washing, sample labeling, and immunomagnetic cell isolation steps in as little as 75 minutes.
• ADAPTABLE. Easily integrate cell isolation into your established workflow while maintaining flexibility for downstream assays.
• STERILE. Isolate cells in a closed, sterile fluid path using a single-use tubing set.
• SCALABLE. Increase your lab throughput by performing cell isolation from multiple full-sized leukopaks in a single day.

For more information about Instrument Services including additional service packages, please see our instrumentation overview.
Cell Isolation
Area of Interest
Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing, Immunology, Cell Therapy Development

Data Figures

Figure 1. High Purity of T Cells Following Isolation with RoboSep™-C

T cells were isolated from Fresh Human Peripheral Blood Leukopaks (between 2.5 - 20 x 109 starting cells) by negative selection. RoboSep™-C isolation yielded high purity of T cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells. Data shown as mean ± SD; n = 12 - 16.

Figure 2. Cell Isolation with RoboSep™-C Yields High Recovery of T Cells from a Leukopak

T cells were isolated from Fresh Human Peripheral Blood Leukopaks by negative selection. RoboSep™-C isolation yielded a high recovery of a) T cells, b) CD4+ T cells, and c) CD8+ T cells. Data shows the number of target cells recovered per 10 x 109 starting cells (mean ± SD; n= 12 - 16).

Figure 3. Cells Isolated Using RoboSep™-C Show Comparable Viability to Starting Samples

T cells were isolated from Fresh Human Peripheral Blood Leukopaks using RoboSep™-C isolation kits. Pre- and post-isolation samples were stained with the cell viability dye DRAQ7™ and appropriate cell surface markers and were assessed by flow cytometry. Cells isolated using RoboSep™-C showed no significant difference in viability (% DRAQ7-negative events) compared to the starting samples. Data shown as mean ± SD; n = 12 - 16.


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Resources and Publications

Publications (2)

Clonal evolution after treatment pressure in multiple myeloma: heterogenous genomic aberrations and transcriptomic convergence. K. Misund et al. Leukemia 2022 jul


We investigated genomic and transcriptomic changes in paired tumor samples of 29 in-house multiple myeloma (MM) patients and 28 patients from the MMRF CoMMpass study before and after treatment. A change in clonal composition was found in 46/57 (82%) of patients, and single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) increased from median 67 to 86. The highest increase in prevalence of genetic aberrations was found in RAS genes (60% to 72%), amp1q21 (18% to 35%), and TP53 (9% to 18%). The SBS-MM1 mutation signature was detected both in patients receiving high and low dose melphalan. A total of 2589 genes were differentially expressed between early and late samples (FDR??<??0.05). Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed increased expression of E2F, MYC, and glycolysis pathways and a decreased expression in TNF-NFkB and TGFbeta pathways in late compared to early stage. Single sample GSEA (ssGSEA) scores of differentially expressed pathways revealed that these changes were most evident in end-stage disease. Increased expression of several potentially targetable genes was found at late disease stages, including cancer-testis antigens, XPO1 and ABC transporters. Our study demonstrates a transcriptomic convergence of pathways supporting increased proliferation and metabolism during disease progression in MM.
Overexpression of the energy metabolism transcriptome within clonal plasma cells is associated with the pathogenesis and outcomes of patients with multiple myeloma. L. A. Evans et al. American journal of hematology 2022 jul


Altered energy metabolism and changes in glycolytic and oxidative phosphorylation pathways are hallmarks of all cancer cells. The expression of select genes associated with the production of various enzymes and proteins involved in glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation were assessed in the clonal plasma cells derived from patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) enrolled in the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) CoMMpass data set. A scoring system consisting of assigning a point for every gene where their fragments per kilobase of transcript per million (FPKM) was above the median yielded a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 12 for the set of genes in the glycolytic and oxidative phosphorylation pathways to create a total energy metabolism molecular signature (EMMS) score. This EMMS score was independently associated with worse progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) outcomes of patients with NDMM. A higher EMMS score was more likely to be present in clonal plasma cells derived from Multiple myeloma (MM) patients than those from patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). This was functionally confirmed by the clonal plasma cells from MM patients having a higher rate of mitochondrial and glycolysis-derived ATP formation than clonal plasma cells from MGUS patients. Thus, this study provides evidence for the effect of energy metabolism within clonal plasma cells on pathogenesis and outcomes of patients with MM. Exploiting the energy-producing metabolic pathways within clonal plasma cells for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in MM should be explored in the future.
Looking for manual cell isolation solutions? Explore the Easy 250 EasySep™ Magnet for manual, large-scale immunomagnetic cell separation from large-volume samples, such as leukopaks and whole blood, with the same high quality and results! Process samples of up to 225 mL in as little as 20 minutes in a single cell isolation procedure. Learn more