ClonaCell™-HY Medium D

Semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium for hybridoma selection and cloning, with HAT (serum-containing)

ClonaCell™-HY Medium D

Semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium for hybridoma selection and cloning, with HAT (serum-containing)

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Semi-solid methylcellulose-based medium for hybridoma selection and cloning, with HAT (serum-containing)
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Product Advantages

  • Time savings: Hybridoma selection and cloning are combined into one step

  • Resource savings: Single-cell derived hybridomas form visible discrete colonies in semi-solid medium, and are easy to pick and transfer to liquid medium for screening and expansion

  • Cloning efficiency: Individual cells are suspended and immobilized in semi-solid medium, preventing loss of rare, high-producing clones due to overgrowth


Save research time and resources by performing hybridoma selection and cloning in one step with this methylcellulose-based medium. Use ClonaCell™-HY Medium D to easily isolate individual clones with a high probability of monoclonality for further screening and expansion.

Hybridoma clones typically have a wide range of growth rates and productivities; when cloned using ClonaCell™-HY Medium D, they form visible and discrete monoclonal colonies, preventing the loss of rare and high-producing clones due to overgrowth. The hybridoma colonies can be easily picked from the semi-solid medium by manual or robotic methods and dispersed into a liquid medium for screening and expansion.

ClonaCell™-HY Medium D is a semi-solid medium containing serum and the selective agents hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine (HAT). It has been verified for use in developing mouse and rat hybridomas. It has also been reported to be compatible with producing and cloning hybridomas using lymphocytes from a variety of host animals, including human, mouse, rat, and hamster (e.g. Wilson JR et al. Antiviral Res, 2016).

Why use semi-solid cloning:
• Forms physically separated, discrete colonies that can be easily isolated.
• Easily isolate rare and high-producing clones individually using simultaneous selection and cloning in semi-solid medium, compared with selection in bulk liquid cultures.
• Isolate monoclonal cell lines in less time and using fewer resources, compared with selection and cloning by limiting dilution.

Find more products for efficient hybridoma cloning and generation, in our ClonaCell™ brand page.
• Methylcellulose
• Serum
• Hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine (HAT)
• Gentamicin
• 2-Mercaptoethanol
• Phenol red
• L-Glutamine and other supplements
• Other ingredients
Semi-Solid Media, Specialized Media
Cell Type
Human, Mouse, Other, Rat
Cell Culture, Semi-Solid Cloning
Area of Interest
Antibody Development, Cancer, Cell Line Development, Drug Discovery and Toxicity Testing, Hybridoma Generation
Formulation Category

Protocols and Documentation

Find supporting information and directions for use in the Product Information Sheet or explore additional protocols below.

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Technical Manual
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Safety Data Sheet
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This product is designed for use in the following research area(s) as part of the highlighted workflow stage(s). Explore these workflows to learn more about the other products we offer to support each research area.

Resources and Publications

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the serum in ClonaCell™-TCS medium heat inactivated?

Yes, all serum used in ClonaCell™ is heat inactivated.

Is there any IgG in ClonaCell™ TCS?

While we don't add IgG to the ClonaCell™ media, we do add serum, which contains an undefined amount of IgG. We selectively use serum lots with low IgG levels in the production of ClonaCell™ media, however, levels vary from lot to lot. IgG levels in a specific lot of ClonaCell™ TCS medium are available in the lot-specific Certificate of Analysis.

Can ClonaCell™-TCS be used with any cell line?

A list of recommended cell lines can be found in the manual. Other cell lines may be compatible with ClonaCell™-TCS. It will be necessary, however, to determine the plating cell density and growth efficiency of the desired cells in ClonaCell™-TCS.

Why do I get more cells when I select my fusion in liquid medium rather than in methylcellulose-based semi-solid medium?

Cells grown in liquid medium may appear to grow more rapidly than in methylcellulose-based medium. This is often due to the presence of a few rapidly growing clones that multiply quickly and become abundant in liquid culture, overgrowing clones that grow more slowly. In methylcellulose cultures, the rapidly growing cells remain in close proximity to each other, resulting in large colonies, each derived from a single fusion or transfection product. The large clones don't overgrow smaller, slower growing colonies, which can be separately isolated.

How do I thaw ClonaCell™ methylcellulose-based semi-solid medium?

We recommend thawing the medium overnight in a refrigerator at 4°C and mixing well.

How do I measure and dispense methylcellulose semi-solid medium?

We recommend using a 12 mL syringe with a 16 gauge needle attached (blunt end needles are recommended for safety purposes). Do not dispense the semi-solid media/cell mixture using serological pipettes as the media will stick to the pipette walls, resulting in inaccurate dispensed volumes and loss of cells.

My ClonaCell™ methylcellulose semi-solid medium appears runny. Why does this happen?

"Runny" methylcellulose could be a result of improper handling. Diluting the methylcellulose with too much liquid medium, or insufficient mixing before use, will result in methylcellulose with altered viscosity. Excessive condensation on the inside of the cell culture dish lid can result in water dripping onto the cultures, lowering viscosity. Additionally, bumping, shaking or other sudden movement of the culture may also disrupt the colonies. Note: methylcellulose is less viscous at room temperature than at 37°C.

What is the optimal number of colonies per plate?

We recommend 50-150 colonies per plate. As it is difficult to anticipate the numbers of colonies after a fusion or transfection, we recommend plating at three different densities to increase the likelihood of achieving a plating density of approximately 100 colonies per plate. This density allows sufficient space between the colonies to allow for easy colony picking.

There are still bubbles in the media after I plate my cells. Do I need to disrupt the bubbles?

We recommend that you avoid creating large bubbles during plating, but there is no need to manually pop or disperse the small bubbles after plating. They will disperse over the incubation period of 10-14 days.

Do I ever need to re-clone cultures grown with ClonaCell™ semi-solid medium?

Re-cloning is a good practice to observe and is recommended if the number of colonies in the original dishes was very high.

Once I pick the colonies and grow the cells in plates, will the residual methylcellulose interfere with characterization? For example, will I have problems doing an ELISA?

There will likely be some residual methylcellulose contamination when colonies are picked and transferred to the 96-well plate with the liquid growth medium. The concentration of methylcellulose, however, should be low enough that it should not interfere with most assays.

How important is the incubator humidity when culturing in methylcellulose-based medium?

Very important. In situations where the humidity is not high enough, we recommend that the 100 mm Petri dishes should be placed with an open dish containing sterile water inside a larger plastic container with a lid. Without very high humidity, the media will dry out over the culture period and this will impede the growth of the colonies.

Do I have to use 100 mm petri dishes or can I use other cultureware?

We recommend 100 mm Petri dishes as these have been used to develop and test ClonaCell™ semi-solid media. We have found that the surface area of these dishes allows for easy colony picking. Other sizes of dish (e.g. 6-well plates) can be used. It is important to use non-coated dishes to prevent cells from sticking to the bottom of the plate and obscuring the colonies. The volume of media plated should be adjusted to reflect the surface area of the dish being used.

Why is there HT (hypoxanthine, thymidine) in Medium E?

Hybridomas are selected using HAT (hypoxanthine, aminopterin, thymidine). Aminopterin blocks the de novo pathway for synthesizing nucleotide precursors for DNA synthesis. The inhibition of the de novo pathway can persist even after the cells are removed from selection. Hypoxanthine and thymidine (HT) provide the necessary nucleotide precursors for hybridoma cells to synthesize DNA using the salvage pathway. Once the cells are growing well in Medium E, they can be gradually switched to Medium A or another medium without HT.

Is the serum in ClonaCell™-HY media heat inactivated?

Yes, all serum used in ClonaCell™-HY media is heat inactivated.

Is there any IgG in clonacell™-HY media?

While we don't add IgG to the ClonaCell™-HY media, we do add serum, which contains an undefined amount of IgG. We selectively use serum lots with low IgG levels in the production of ClonaCell™-HY media, however, levels vary from lot to lot. IgG levels in a specific lot of ClonaCell™-HY medium are available in the lot-specific Certificate of Analysis.

Are there antibiotics in ClonaCell™-HY media?

These products contain gentamycin rather than penicillin/streptomycin/amphotericin B, because gentamycin is more stable and is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is non-toxic to most mammalian cells in culture.

What is the optimal number of colonies per plate?

We recommend 50-150 colonies per plate. An average fusion will result in approximately 1000 colonies per fusion (approx. 100 colonies per plate). Even if the average number of colonies per plate approaches 300, there should still be enough separation between colonies to pick easily.

Why do I have to put my fused cells into liquid medium overnight? Why can't I just plate directly into Medium D?

We recommend waiting up to 24 hours so that all of the fused cells can go through one cell cycle. This will ensure they have a chance to express HPRT (hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase), the enzyme necessary to survive in the presence of aminopterin (present in Medium D). Additionally, fused cells are very fragile immediately after fusion. Waiting a day before mixing the cells with the methylcellulose will improve their survival. Although it is not recommended, fused cells may be plated on the same day as fusion, but the cells should be allowed to recover for several hours in ClonaCell™-HY Medium C prior to plating.

What myeloma and mouse strains should I use?

Myeloma: There are at least two common myeloma cell lines used to generate hybridomas - SP2/0 and P3X63Ag8.683. Both are available from ATCC. Researchers should ensure that the myeloma line is from a reliable source and is negative for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma contamination of the myeloma line can result in decreased efficiency of hybridoma formation. Mouse: We suggest using BALB/c splenocytes and parental myeloma cells of BALB/c for the following reasons: they are highly immune reactive, well characterized and myeloma cells are available from the same genetic strain. Other mouse strains, however, are also compatible with cloning in ClonaCell™-HY media.

Can I grow human/rat/T cell hybridomas in ClonaCell™-HY?

Although we have not tried to generate human, rat or T cell hybridomas during in-house testing, these experiments are expected to be successful using ClonaCell™-HY. The researcher would need to ensure that the cell lines used in the fusion are sensitive to HAT selection and grow well in methylcellulose-based medium.

There are very few colonies growing in my Medium D. Why?

Low numbers of colonies is generally a result of low fusion efficiency, which can have many causes. The fusion efficiency can be affected by the presence of serum during fusion, the presence of mycoplasma, low viability of cells, overexposure to polyethylene glycol or slow-growing myeloma cells prior to fusion.

Why does the ClonaCell™-HY manual suggest two different methods for fusion (A or B)? Can one expect better results with one method over the other?

Which method chosen is a personal preference and there should not be significant differences in efficiency. Method B is faster and has less steps, but Method B requires you to remove all the PEG before the cells are diluted, so you will risk aspirating cells if not very careful. With Method A, you dilute the PEG with Medium B, so you have less opportunity to lose cells.

Why does the ClonaCell™-HY manual suggest two different methods for fusion (A or B)? Can one expect better results with one method over the other?

A: Which method chosen is a personal preference and there should not be significant differences in efficiency. Method B is faster and has less steps, but Method B requires you to remove all the PEG before the cells are diluted, so you will risk aspirating cells if not very careful. With Method A, you dilute the PEG with Medium B, so you have less opportunity to lose cells.

Once I pick the colonies and grow the cells in plates, will the residual methylcellulose interfere with characterization? For example, will I have problems doing an ELISA?

 There will likely be some residual methylcellulose contamination when colonies are picked and transferred to the 96-well plate with the liquid growth medium. The concentration of methylcellulose, however, should be low enough that it should not interfere with most assays.

Publications (21)

An influenza A virus (H7N9) anti-neuraminidase monoclonal antibody with prophylactic and therapeutic activity in vivo Wilson JR et al. Antiviral Research 2016 NOV


Zoonotic A(H7N9) avian influenza viruses emerged in China in 2013 and continue to be a threat to human public health, having infected over 800 individuals with a mortality rate approaching 40%. Treatment options for people infected with A(H7N9) include the use of neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors. However, like other influenza viruses, A(H7N9) can become resistant to these drugs. The use of monoclonal antibodies is a rapidly developing strategy for controlling influenza virus infection. Here we generated a murine monoclonal antibody (3c10-3) directed against the NA of A(H7N9) and show that prophylactic systemic administration of 3c10-3 fully protected mice from lethal challenge with wild-type A/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9). Further, post-infection treatment with a single systemic dose of 3c10-3 at either 24, 48 or 72 h post A(H7N9) challenge resulted in both dose- and time-dependent protection of up to 100% of mice, demonstrating therapeutic potential for 3c10-3. Epitope mapping revealed that 3c10-3 binds near the enzyme active site of NA, and functional characterization showed that 3c10-3 inhibits the enzyme activity of NA and restricts the cell-to-cell spread of the virus in cultured cells. Affinity analysis also revealed that 3c10-3 binds equally well to recombinant NA of wild-type A/Anhui/1/2013 and to a variant NA carrying a R289K mutation known to infer NAI resistance. These results suggest that 3c10-3 has the potential to be used as a therapeutic to treat A(H7N9) infections either as an alternative to, or in combination with, current NA antiviral inhibitors.
Immunodominant West Nile virus T cell epitopes are fewer in number and fashionably late Kaabinejadian S et al. The Journal of Immunology 2016 MAY


Class I HLA molecules mark infected cells for immune targeting by presenting pathogen-encoded peptides on the cell surface. Characterization of viral peptides unique to infected cells is important for understanding CD8(+) T cell responses and for the development of T cell-based immunotherapies. Having previously reported a series of West Nile virus (WNV) epitopes that are naturally presented by HLA-A*02:01, in this study we generated TCR mimic (TCRm) mAbs to three of these peptide/HLA complexes-the immunodominant SVG9 (E protein), the subdominant SLF9 (NS4B protein), and the immunorecessive YTM9 (NS3 protein)-and used these TCRm mAbs to stain WNV-infected cell lines and primary APCs. TCRm staining of WNV-infected cells demonstrated that the immunorecessive YTM9 appeared several hours earlier and at 5- to 10-fold greater density than the more immunogenic SLF9 and SVG9 ligands, respectively. Moreover, staining following inhibition of the TAP demonstrated that all three viral ligands were presented in a TAP-dependent manner despite originating from different cellular compartments. To our knowledge, this study represents the first use of TCRm mAbs to define the kinetics and magnitude of HLA presentation for a series of epitopes encoded by one virus, and the results depict a pattern whereby individual epitopes differ considerably in abundance and availability. The observations that immunodominant ligands can be found at lower levels and at later time points after infection suggest that a reevaluation of the factors that combine to shape T cell reactivity may be warranted.
Deletion of a Yci1 Domain Protein of Candida albicans Allows Homothallic Mating in MTL Heterozygous Cells Sun Y et al. mBio 2016 MAY


It has been proposed that the ancestral fungus was mating competent and homothallic. However, many mating-competent fungi were initially classified as asexual because their mating capacity was hidden behind layers of regulation. For efficient in vitro mating, the essentially obligate diploid ascomycete pathogen Candida albicans has to change its mating type locus from heterozygous MTL a /α to homozygous MTL a / a or MTL α/α and then undergo an environmentally controlled epigenetic switch to the mating-competent opaque form. These requirements greatly reduce the potential for C. albicans mating. Deletion of the Yci1 domain gene OFR1 bypasses the need for C. albicans cells to change the mating type locus from heterozygous to homozygous prior to switching to the opaque form and mating and allows homothallic mating of MTL heterozygous strains. This bypass is carbon source dependent and does not occur when cells are grown on glucose. Transcriptional profiling of ofr1 mutant cells shows that in addition to regulating cell type and mating circuitry, Ofr1 is needed for proper regulation of histone and chitin biosynthesis gene expression. It appears that OFR1 is a key regulator in C. albicans and functions in part to maintain the cryptic mating phenotype of the pathogen.