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The RosetteSep™ HLA Myeloid Cell Enrichment Cocktail is designed to enrich myeloid (CD33+) cells from whole blood by negative selection for lineage-specific chimerism analysis. Unwanted cells are targeted for removal with Tetrameric Antibody Complexes recognizing CD3, CD8, CD19, CD56 and glycophorin A on red blood cells (RBCs). When centrifuged over a buoyant density medium such as RosetteSep™ DM-M (Catalog #15725), the unwanted cells pellet along with the RBCs. The purified myeloid cells are present as a highly enriched population at the interface between the plasma and the buoyant density medium. The desired cells are immediately ready for chimerism analysis or other downstream applications. Please Note: In light of the new EU Regulation 2017/746 (IVDR) of the European Parliament and of the Council on in vitro diagnostic medical devices, which is expected to become effective in 2022, STEMCELL recently deregistered and removed the CE IVD claims associated with these products, and they are now labeled “For Research Use Only”. Please note there have been no changes to the form, function and quality assurances associated with these products. For more information please contact the Quality Assurance and Regulatory Department at
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RosetteSep™ is a rapid cell separation procedure for the isolation of purified cells directly from whole blood, without columns or magnets.
How does RosetteSep™ work?
The antibody cocktail crosslinks unwanted cells to red blood cells (RBCs), forming rosettes. The unwanted cells then pellet with the free RBCs when centrifuged over a density centrifugation medium (e.g. Ficoll-Paque™ PLUS, Lymphoprep™).
What factors affect cell recovery?
The temperature of the reagents can affect cell recovery. All reagents should be at room temperature (sample, density centrifugation medium, PBS, centrifuge) before performing the isolations. Layering can also affect recovery so be sure to carefully layer the sample to avoid mixing with the density centrifugation medium as much as possible. Be sure to collect the entire enriched culture without disturbing the RBC pellet. A small amount of density centrifugation medium can be collected without worry.
Which cell samples can RosetteSep™ be used with?
RosetteSep™ can be used with leukapheresis samples, bone marrow or buffy coat, as long as: the concentration of cells does not exceed 5 x 107 per mL (can dilute if necessary); and there are at least 100 RBCs for every nucleated cell (RBCs can be added if necessary).
Can RosetteSep™ be used with previously frozen or cultured cells?
Yes. Cells should be re-suspended at 2 - 5 x 107 cells / mL in PBS + 2% FBS. Fresh whole blood should be added at 250 µL per mL of sample, as a source of red cells.
Can RosetteSep™ be used to enrich progenitors from cord blood?
Yes. Sometimes cord blood contains immature nucleated red cells that have a lower density than mature RBCs. These immature red cells do not pellet over Ficoll™, which can lead to a higher RBC contamination than peripheral blood separations.
Does RosetteSep™ work with mouse cells?
No, but we have developed EasySep™, a magnetic-based cell isolation system which works with mouse and other non-human species.
Which anticoagulant should be used with RosetteSep™?
Peripheral blood should be collected in heparinized Vacutainers. Cord blood should be collected in ACD.
Should the anticoagulant be washed off before using RosetteSep™?
No, the antibody cocktail can be added directly to the sample.
Mouse monoclonal IgG2a antibody against human, rhesus, cynomolgus CD14
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RosetteSep™ HLA Myeloid Cell Enrichment Kit
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