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Efficiently extract total nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from whole blood, cell suspensions (e.g. PBMCs, hPSCs, cultured cells), and EasySep™-isolated cells. Designed with easy-to-use and scalable protocols, the EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit uses magnetic bead technology that allows you to avoid the use of spin -columns or toxic reagents. Nucleic acids extracted with this kit are highly pure and can be used in downstream applications such as qPCR.
Use this kit to magnetically label total nucleic acids in your sample with EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid RapidSpheres™. Then, process the samples—without the use of columns—using a magnet (sold separately). Pipette off the unlabeled, undesired components before removing the sample from the magnet and recovering your labeled nucleic acids. Protocols are available for extracting nucleic acid using 1.7 ml microcentrifuge tubes and the ErythroClear™ Magnet (Catalog #01737). To scale up your extractions, process samples in 96-well PCR plates with a 96-Well PCR Microplate Magnet (Catalog #100-1304).
Figure 1. EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit Workflow
Diagram of the standard extraction workflow. Time points at which samples must be placed in the magnet are indicated with gray boxes. EasySep™ Lysis Buffer and Proteinase K are added to the sample and incubated at 56°C for 10 minutes. Diluted EasySep™ Nucleic Acid RapidSpheres™ are added to the sample and incubated at room temperature (RT) for 5 minutes, then placed in the magnet for 2 minutes. While in the magnet, the sample is washed three times with a 70% ethanol wash solution, and the supernatant is removed. The pellet is resuspended with the elution buffer while removed from the magnet and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes. The sample is then placed in the magnet for 2 minutes before the supernatant is aspirated to a new tube to obtain the extracted nucleic acids.
Figure 2. EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit Shows Improved DNA and RNA Recovery Relative to Other Commonly Used Methods
Normalized recovery (μg per 1 x 10^6 cells) of (A) DNA and (B) RNA across EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit and other commonly used extraction methods. DNA and RNA concentrations were measured separately using the Qubit™ Fluorometer. Sample source: Leukopak, n = 3. Error bars represent ± 1 standard deviation.
Figure 3. EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit Recovers Nucleic Acid of Optimal Purity
Purity ratios obtained using spectrophotometric absorbance measurements show that the nucleic acid recovered by the EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit is of optimal purity, benchmarked against other commonly used extraction methods. The 260/280 ratio, indicative of protein, phenol, and other contaminants within the extract that absorb at or near 280 nm, has an optimum purity ratio of ~ 1.8 for DNA and ~ 2.0 for RNA. The 260/230 ratio, a secondary measure of purity indicative of salt, phenol, and other organic compound contamination, has an optimal range of 1.8 - 2.2. Ratios that fall outside of these ranges are generally considered contaminated. Purity ratios were obtained using the Nanodrop™ Spectrophotometer. Sample source: Leukopak, n = 3. Error bars represent ± 1 standard deviation.
Figure 4. EasySep™ Total Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit Is Capable of Extracting from As Few As 10 Cells
Results from a DNA-based qPCR assay using primers targeted to a non-genic region of chromosome 4 demonstrate that DNA is detectable in extractions with a starting cell input of 10 - 1 x 10^6 cells. (A) qPCR curves coloured by cell input. Dotted red line represents the cycle threshold (Ct; 0.139). Each individual curve represents 1 technical replicate, n = 3. (B) Inverse linear relationship between log(cell number input) and Ct value. Each data point represents 1 technical replicate, n = 3. Sample source: Leukopak.
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