Visualization Tool for Neural Organoid Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

Explore Gene Expression Data from Published Datasets Alongside STEMdiff™ Kits

Neural organoids provide physiologically relevant, in vitro 3D models of the brain, allowing researchers unique opportunities to study the development and diseases of the human nervous system. Assessing the ability of neural organoids to model human brain development and function accurately requires a comprehensive analysis of gene expression and cell type data. Gene expression data can provide insight into whether the organoids perform key neural functions, while cell type data confirms whether organoids are composed of physiologically representative proportions of brain cells, such as neurons or glial cells.

As a team of Scientists Helping Scientists, we’ve developed this tool to support researchers' needs to assess organoid function. Use this tool to learn about the cellular composition of organoids generated with select published protocols as well as explore the genes that define those cell populations. You can also compare the cell type populations from your chosen published protocol alongside our most popular neural STEMdiff™ kits. This single-cell RNA sequencing data visualization tool can help you find the neural organoid culture protocol or product that’s right for your research question.

How to Use This Tool

To explore cell-type populations, select from the list of featured publications popularly used to generate select organoids. You’ll be able to view the percentage breakdown of the various cell types identified within single-cell transcriptomic data from each published dataset. Alongside data from your selected publication, you will also be able to see data from organoids generated with various neural organoid STEMdiff™ kits.

In the second section, you will find cell cluster uniform manifold approximations and projections (UMAPs) for your selected publication, shown alongside a selection of neural organoid STEMdiff™ kits. UMAPs allow the visualization of high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional space, typically 2D or 3D. These UMAPs cluster cells by scaling thousands of gene expression counts for each cell onto a 2D plot. Known markers from Birey at al. (2017) [Extended Data Figure 2d] were primarily used to determine the cell type identities of the main clusters. Additional markers from Tanaka et al. (2020) [Figure S1 B] were used to identify the primordial germ cells (PGC) population. You can also use the search feature to find the gene expression level of a specific gene of interest within each cell in the clustered UMAP.

Visualization Tool for Neural Organoid Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

Explore Gene Expression Data from Published Datasets Alongside STEMdiff™ Kits

Neural organoids provide physiologically relevant, in vitro 3D models of the brain, allowing researchers unique opportunities to study the development and diseases of the human nervous system. Assessing the ability of neural organoids to model human brain development and function accurately requires a comprehensive analysis of gene expression and cell type data. Gene expression data can provide insight into whether the organoids perform key neural functions, while cell type data confirms whether organoids are composed of physiologically representative proportions of brain cells, such as neurons or glial cells.

As a team of Scientists Helping Scientists, we’ve developed this tool to support researchers' needs to assess organoid function. Use this tool to learn about the cellular composition of organoids generated with select published protocols as well as explore the genes that define those cell populations. You can also compare the cell type populations from your chosen published protocol alongside our most popular neural STEMdiff™ kits. This single-cell RNA sequencing data visualization tool can help you find the neural organoid culture protocol or product that’s right for your research question.

How to Use This Tool

To explore cell-type populations, select from the list of featured publications popularly used to generate select organoids. You’ll be able to view the percentage breakdown of the various cell types identified within single-cell transcriptomic data from each published dataset. Alongside data from your selected publication, you will also be able to see data from organoids generated with various neural organoid STEMdiff™ kits.

In the second section, you will find cell cluster uniform manifold approximations and projections (UMAPs) for your selected publication, shown alongside a selection of neural organoid STEMdiff™ kits. UMAPs allow the visualization of high-dimensional data in a lower-dimensional space, typically 2D or 3D. These UMAPs cluster cells by scaling thousands of gene expression counts for each cell onto a 2D plot. Known markers from Birey at al. (2017) [Extended Data Figure 2d] were primarily used to determine the cell type identities of the main clusters. Additional markers from Tanaka et al. (2020) [Figure S1 B] were used to identify the primordial germ cells (PGC) population. You can also use the search feature to find the gene expression level of a specific gene of interest within each cell in the clustered UMAP.

Visualization Tool for Neural Organoid Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data

Explore STEMdiff™ Organoid Kits

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*Libraries were prepared using Chromium Single Cell 3ʹ v1 protocol with Feature Barcoding technology (10x Genomics) following surface protein staining with TotalSeq™–B (BioLegend). The barcoded processing, gene counting, and aggregation were made using the Cell Ranger software v3.1.0. Further processing and demultiplexing was done with Seurat v4.1.1.

The data have been made publicly available on GEO: GSE218457.