Organoid Embedding Sheet

Silicone sheet designed to facilitate embedding 3D aggregates in a matrix

Organoid Embedding Sheet

Silicone sheet designed to facilitate embedding 3D aggregates in a matrix

From: 45 USD
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Silicone sheet designed to facilitate embedding 3D aggregates in a matrix
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Product Advantages

  • Designed to fit 3D aggregates in a matrix droplet

  • Two sheets fit into a 100 mm dish (e.g. Catalog #38045)

  • Each sheet contains 18 wells


Use the Organoid Embedding Sheet to facilitate the embedding of 3-dimensional (3D) aggregates (e.g. embryoid bodies, spheroids, or organoids) into a matrix. The wells on the sheet are designed to fit aggregates up to 5 mm in diameter. The sheet may be grasped at the top, along the label, for easy handling. The Organoid Embedding Sheet can also be a substitute for Parafilm® and used to mix small volumes in various protocols. Each sheet contains 18 wells, and the sheet is compatible with STEMCELL media products such as STEMdiff™ Cerebral Organoid Kit (Catalog #08570).


Organoid Culture

Data Figures

(A) A representative phase-contrast image of a whole cerebral organoid at day 40 generated using the STEMdiff™ Cerebral Organoid Kit. Cerebral organoids at this stage are made up of phase-dark structures that may be surrounded by regions of thinner, more translucent structures that display layering (arrowheads). (B) Immunohistological analysis on cryosections of cerebral organoids reveals cortical regions within the organoid labelled by the apical progenitor marker PAX6 (red) and neuronal marker β-tubulin III (green). (C-F) Inset of boxed region from (B). (C) PAX6+ apical progenitors (red, enclosed by dotted line) are localized to a ventricular zone-like region. β-tubulin III+ neurons (green) are adjacent to the ventricular zone. (D) CTIP2, a marker of the developing cortical plate, co-localizes with β-tubulin III+ neurons in a cortical plate-like region. Organization of the layers recapitulates early corticogenesis observed during human brain development. (E) Proliferating progenitor cells labeled by Ki-67 (green) localize along the ventricle, nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). (F) An additional population of Ki-67+ cells is found in an outer subventricular zone-like region (arrowheads). Scale Bar = (A) 1 mm, (B) 500 µm and (C-F) 200 µm.

Principal component analysis of hPSC and cerebral organoid transcriptomes. Cerebral organoids generated using the STEMdiff™ Cerebral Organoid Kit (filled blue circles) cluster together, and cluster with previously published (C Luo et al. Cell Rep, 2016) cerebral organoids (open blue circles). The first principal component accounts for the majority of variance seen (PC1; 80%) and distinguishes the cerebral organoid samples from the hPSCs (green circles). The second principal component accounts for only 9% of the variation, and highlights the modest expression differences between cultured organoids and primary embryonic fetal brain samples (19 post-conceptional weeks, brown circles).

Heatmap of expression levels for genes associated with synaptic transmission function and neurogenesis in Day 40 organoids. These data show that gene expression of cerebral organoids generated from the STEMdiff™ Cerebral Organoid Kit are similar to published results (C Luo et al. Cell Rep, 2016).

Protocols and Documentation

Find supporting information and directions for use in the Product Information Sheet or explore additional protocols below.

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