AAAS Panel Recordings

Register to Receive Recordings from the Panel: Breaking the Trust Barrier Between Academia and Industry

We are hosting a panel at the upcoming AAAS meeting in Washington, DC to discuss ways in which academia and industry can overcome barriers in trust that are impeding research progress.

Research conducted within industrial settings has often been considered with skepticism. It is assumed that information from vendors is biased by a motivation to advance a company’s bottom line. This distrust impacts scientific progress by discouraging academia from pursuing potentially valuable collaborations with industry. Similarly, industry misses opportunities to contribute to innovation and discovery when it must overcome barriers in trust.

We will lead a discussion about ways in which academia and industry can work better together and advance scientific initiatives. Specific focus will be given to how industry can foster trust and transparency to enable its active participation in the advancement of research.

Breaking the Trust Barrier Between Academia and Industry
Washington, DC
Friday, Feb 15, 2019, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m.

Topics Covered:

  • What role does industry play in science communication?
  • How can industry foster trust with academic scientists?
  • How can industry be transparent and truthful with its messaging?
  • How can we build collaborative research relationships between academia and industry?