Frequently Asked Questions on CD138⁺ Cell Isolation for Increased FISH Sensitivity

Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) on isolating CD138+ plasma cells to improve sensitivity in downstream FISH.

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How does one assess purity of CD138+ plasma cells after isolation?

How can I determine the recovery of the CD138+ plasma cells after isolation with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II?

What is the difference between the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II (Catalog# 17887) and the EasySep™ Human CD138 Positive Selection Kit II (Catalog 17877)?

Can we isolate CD138+ plasma cells from previously cryopreserved bone marrow samples with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II?

Is the isolation of CD138+ plasma cells with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II compatible with downstream RNA and/or DNA extraction from the cells?

Are CD138+ plasma cells isolated with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II compatible with downstream next-generation sequencing (NGS) and flow cytometry?

Can magnetic particles be released from cells after CD138+ plasma cell isolation with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II?

If blood samples are used instead of bone marrow samples for CD138+ plasma cell isolation with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II, how should the sample be processed?

When performing an automated CD138+ plasma cell isolation with the EasySep™ Human Whole Blood and Bone Marrow CD138 Positive Selection Kit II on the RoboSep™-S platform, can a handheld barcode scanner be used to scan the sample ID barcodes?