BrainPhys™ Features

Meet the authors behind the papers. We ask neuroscientists about their research, what motivates them, and how they published with BrainPhys™. Since its release in 2015, BrainPhys™ has been cited in many high-impact journals. It has been used to culture iNeurons,1 retinal organoids,2 rodent neurons,3,4 and iPS-derived neural crest cells,5 to name a few.

Wardiya Saber
A New Way to Study Neural Network Connectivity
Wardiya Afshar Saber, Doctoral Researcher, University of St. Andrews

The Paper: All-Optical Assay to Study Biological Neural Networks

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Travis Jackson, PhD
Seeking New Molecular Targets for Treating Traumatic Brain Injury
Travis C. Jackson, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

The Paper: BrainPhys® Increases Neurofilament Levels in CNS Cultures, and Facilitates Investigation of Axonal Damage After a Mechanical Stretch-Injury in Vitro

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