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This mouse monoclonal antibody (clone MT15B15) reacts with human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). TNF-α is a pro-inflammatory cytokine primarily produced by macrophages and T cells in response to infection and inflammation. Initially generated as a ~26 kDa transmembrane precursor, TNF-α is then processed by metalloproteinases into a ~17 kDa soluble product. Both forms of TNF-α are active in trimeric form and exert their effects via binding to either TNFR1, present on the surface of nearly all human cell types, or TNFR2, which is localized to immune and endothelial cells. First described as having tumor-necrotic action, TNF-α signaling results in an inflammatory response that includes vasodilation and edema formation, adhesion of leukocytes to the epithelium, and blood coagulation. TNF-α also plays a key role in defense against bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections.
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